Our heroine stand before an upper story window that looks out to the street below where her mother and sister stand with the moving truck. Beyond that is a forested park with a trail winding in from the sidewalk. The treeline parts to reveal a small lake, and beyond the forested edge city buildings can be made out in the distance.
But Keira isn’t looking at any of that. Her back is turned to us, but her reflection smiles a sad, soft smile at a glowing point of light hovering next to her.
Subtitle:Â Story & Art by Michelle Grenz

Creator Comments
Thank you for checking out my webcomic! I’m super excited to share this story with you all. It’s a bit of a slow burn (in both plot and relationships) but the payout is well worth it. I hope you’ll enjoy reading it as much as I love creating it. ♥
[Originally posted in 2018. Revised 2024.]
– M.G.