Chapter End Announcements
That concludes Chapter Three! I can't believe how long it's taken to get here, But I've improved a lot as both artist and storyteller for it. I love doing this so much, and I appreciate you all for letting me share it with you. Real quick, I've got a few announcements and housekeeping notes:
I'll be taking a brief rest as I prepare for the next chapter. I can't say yet how long that will be exactly, but there will be Status Updates and Previews in the meantime...And MAYBE some Extras 😉 Keep an eye on website News & my socials for those!
Printed paperback books (PDFs too) for Chapters 1 & 2 are available (and on sale during the intermission) at my store for $12 USD each! PDF downloads for all three chapters are also available for $5 USD each.
1st Edition books are available immediately for U.S. Shipping. 2nd Edition (improved book binding plus art revisions) will be available for Pre-Order by the end of the year (fingers crossed!).

I now have a Patreon!!! It's to support my combined artistic endeavors, but will include for Second Sight: Early access to updates, Patreon-Exclusive supplemental and behind the scenes content... some of which will be made free after a wait period for non-patron subscribers. 😉
Which reminds me! There'll be all-access polls to vote on Halloween costumes for chapter 4! 😀
You'll (hopefully) have seen a few notifications for these already, but I've been re-working some of the art and writing in the first chapter during the Intermission. It'll definitely be worth a re-read while you wait for chapter 4 to get started! (Note: these changes will NOT be present in the already printed first edition books but WILL be in the second editions.)
Thanks for actually reading through all that! Here’s a doodle, as a treat: